Съюз на учените в България

Клон Благоевград

Новини и предстоящи събития

Шеста балканска научна конференция

„Наука – образование – изкуство през 21-ви век“

Международен дом на учените „Фредерик Жолио - Кюри“, курортен комплекс „Св. Св. Константин и Елена“, гр. Варна, България -

28 - 30 септември 2023 г.


Научният форум се провежда под патронажа на ректора на Югозападен университет „Неофит Рилски“

Проф. д-р Борислав Юруков


              Шеста балканска научна конференция „Наука – образование – изкуство през 21-ви век“ обединява широк кръг представители на хуманитарната и природонаучната сфера на познание в подкрепа на идеите за интердисциплинарен синтез на знанията. Съюзът на учените в България – клон Благоевград и Факултетът по педагогика при Югозападен университет „Неофит Рилски“ подкрепят идеите на междудисциплинарното сътрудничество като успешен път за решаване на проблеми в съвременното научно и образователно пространство.

              Научната конференция се финансира от Фонд „Научни изследвания“ по „Процедура за подкрепа на международни научни форуми, провеждани в Република България”

                                 Договор № КП-06-МНФ/13 от 30.05.2023 г.

Фредерик Жолио - Кюри

Jk 3



Jk 2

За допълнителна информация: ТУК

Заявка за участие: ТУК.

Покана: ТУК


               The Sixth Balkan Conference "Science - Education - Art in the 21st Century" traditionally since 2007 unites the efforts of a wide range of representatives of the humanitarian and natural science spheres of scientific knowledge in support of the avant-garde ideas in modern science for interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary synthesis of knowledge . The Faculty of Pedagogy consistently over the years, as well as in the current scientific forum, in partnership with the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria - Blagoevgrad branch is part of the overall activity to support the interdisciplinary cooperation of researchers from different scientific fields.

               The previous five Balkan Scientific Conferences "Science - Education - Art in the 21st Century" organized after 2007, the last one in 2019, were very successful. The Faculty of Pedagogy has traditionally contributed to the active cooperation between the representatives of various scientific and educational institutions and organizations from Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, Turkey, North Macedonia, Russia, Ukraine, Albania, Romania within the framework of all realized conferences.

 The current Sixth Balkan Scientific Conference "Science - Education - Art in the 21st Century" enjoys wide support from scientists - researchers, speakers of plenary reports from Bulgaria, Italy, Serbia, Turkey, Greece, Kazakhstan, North Macedonia. Participants in the conference are also young scientists, doctoral students and postdoctoral students from Bulgaria, Israel, China, Greece.

                 The scientific forum raises as its main goal to reveal the current dimensions of significant problems of education, science and art through the partnership between scientific communities that investigate various aspects of the overall educational and socio-cultural reality. Within the framework of the conference, tasks related to: outlining avant-garde ideas in scientific pedagogical knowledge will be solved; revealing the possibilities for complementing each other and enriching humanitarian and natural science knowledge; description and analysis of innovative practices in the education, upbringing and socialization of the modern young person; identifying opportunities for inter-institutional partnership and interdisciplinary cooperation to solve important problems of modern education.

            Scientists from a number of foreign scientific and educational institutions and organizations will take part in the scientific conference. Official guests and speakers of plenary reports will be scientists - researchers: Prof. Stefano Cobello (Coordinator Italian Minister of education of the national network of educational institutions European Polo of Knowledge) Italy; Prof. Mirko Blagojevic (Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade); Prof. Daniela Ilić (Faculty of Art in Niš, Music Department, Niš, Serbia); Prof. Benjamin Bali (Yildiz Technical University), Turkey; Prof. Cetin Semerdzi and Prof. Nuriye Semerdzi (Bartin University, Education Faculty, Department of Educational Sciences), Turkey; Prof. Dina Dzhusubalieva (Kazakh Ablaikhan University of International Relations and World Languages); Kazakhstan; Dr. Fotini Toloudi (Aristotle University, Thessaloniki), Greece; Prof. Dr. Emilia Gorgeva (Gotse Delchev University, Shtip), North Macedonia. Official guests and lecturers from Bulgaria will be: Prof. Dr. Siika Chavdarova - Kostova and Prof. Dr. Jana Rasheva - Merdjanova from Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" and associate professor Dr. Itska Derizhan - vice-rector of Southwestern University "Neofit Rilski".

Invitation: HERE

Application form: HERE